Monday, February 18, 2013

The Recent Tragedies

Will have a comment on the recent lasagna-related tragedies shortly...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Crazy cousin Kruyne

Nope, this wasn't me. Just my crazy cousin.

Seriously, though, this hurricane is really making hay for east coast residents. If you know anybody in NYC, keep them in your thoughts and sacrifices to Sleipnir.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I've been feeling a little..."raspy"

Sorry it's been so long since I posted any updates. Had to get some chest X-rays. Damn insurance company wanted to send me to a veterinarian! Bigots...

Good news though: The test results came back "nay!"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kiss me, I'm an Irish horse!

This is me trotting in our town's St. Patrick's Day parade.

I bet you never knew I was a parade horse-man!

Monday, March 12, 2012

It's beer-o-clock!

You don't have to lead this horse-man to water to get me to drink (beer).

Horse-training is the new cross-training

After this, I did a few laps on the track.

"Is that supposed to be meta?"

That's what my wife asked when I suggested the idea for this picture. I guess it could be, but I hadn't thought it through that far.

This toy is just really creepy to horse-people such as myself. Not offensive or anything, just creepy. That's all I was saying.